2017 General Adjustment (GA) is 2% with a $40 Cap
The maximum increase of $40 applies to all maximum allowable rents (MARs) of $1,975 or higher. In late June, the Rent Control office will mail information to all tenants and property owners regarding the general adjustment, including a form owners may use to notice tenants of the increase. With proper written notice (usually 30 days), the general adjustment may be implemented by property owners no earlier than September 1st, 2017 for tenancies that started before September 1st, 2016. Tenancies that started on or after September 1st, 2016 are not eligible for the 2017 general adjustment. Further, all registration fees and penalties must be paid in full in order for owners to qualify for this year’s general adjustment.
2017 Annual Registration Fee Set at $198 per Unit
To cover the reasonable and necessary expenses of the Rent Control Agency, the Rent Control Board amended Regulation 11200 to increase the annual registration fee for a controlled unit from $174.96 to $198.00 per year. The upcoming fiscal year runs from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Divided by 12 months, the annual fee per unit of $198 amounts to $16.50 per month. If all registration fees are paid by August 1st of this year, owners may pass through to qualifying tenants half of the monthly amount, which is $8.25, beginning September 1st of this year and continuing for the following 12 months. The registration fee pass-through is in addition to the maximum allowable rent and any surcharges from the tax bill that may be passed through. The Rent Control Agency will be sending registration fee bills to owners at the end of June.