Action Apartments Association, Inc.

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  • 02/25/2016 8:34 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Free Seminar, Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 9:30 am - Noon

    For details and registration see:

  • 02/25/2016 8:28 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Sarah Letts has announced her resignation from Community Corporation of Santa Monica, the city's largest affordable housing developer.

    Read More on page 1 and 3:

  • 02/23/2016 11:32 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The first round of fines...will hit the mail February 29.

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  • 02/23/2016 11:24 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Following challenges Consumer Watchdog filed under a California's voter-approved insurance reform law, Allstate customers with homeowners' insurance policies will get an overall 12.6 percent rate reduction, effective this month, the Santa Monica-based nonprofit announced.

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  • 02/23/2016 11:07 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The City of Santa Monica is poised to cut – by nearly half – the increases in water rates it originally proposed for customers, with officials saying costs for the City’s anti-drought campaign are coming in under budget, at least for now.

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  • 02/22/2016 2:40 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    See Bill's reaction to the just released Downtown Community Plan.

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  • 02/21/2016 1:07 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The Downtown Specific Plan has been renamed to the Downtown Community Plan in recognition of the overarching desire to nurture a long-term community within its boundaries, and to make sure that every resident feels welcome in the Downtown.

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  • 02/20/2016 9:15 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    A county-wide initiative was launched Tuesday in Santa Monica, revealing the latest plan for on-site alternate water supplies.

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  • 02/19/2016 3:09 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    ... and the development of historic context statements.

    Read the legal notice on page 4:

  • 02/19/2016 3:03 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Residocracy has filed a ballot initiative to limit growth in Santa Monica.

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