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  • 09/18/2024 8:05 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Brock and incumbent Councilmember Oscar de la Torre are leading a rival slate that includes two small business owners -- John Putnam and Vivian Roknian -- in the race for four Council seats. All four are Democrats.

    The slate, which must win three seats to retain control of the seven-member Council, is backed by local businesses, including hotels and restaurants, and residents concerned that crime and homelessness are out of control.

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  • 09/17/2024 10:12 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    by Arthur Jeon

    I'm writing not because I care what Mr. Katz thinks, but to highlight the extreme cluelessness of him, his group, and the SMRR candidates they are supporting

    Vote for the Change Slate: Oscar de la Torre, Vivian Roknian, Phil Brock, and John Putnam. This will give the council enough votes to truly change direction. Enough is enough of SMRR, and their SMDC enablers who continue to ignore reality.

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  • 09/17/2024 10:05 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    As many things are in Santa Monica, it was not what it first seemed. It appears someone slipped language into the police funding item, without discussion in public, that the funds could only be accessed once the Police Department was at full staffing.

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  • 09/16/2024 8:54 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The package -- which is ready for public review -- has three agreements that "outline the framework for how resources, operations and services will be shared or divided between the two entities," the joint announcement said.

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  • 09/12/2024 10:49 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The actual changes to city code are in fact relatively small. Sleeping bags and bedrolls (pads to sleep on) are now listed as evidence of a campsite in the city’s anti-camping ordinance. Neither item is prohibited outright nor can either item be cause for citation alone but both are now part of the decision matrix used by officials when determining if someone has set up an illegal campsite inside city limits.

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  • 09/12/2024 10:47 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Four major development projects will look to transform Santa Monica, including two buildings that would become the tallest in the city.

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  • 09/11/2024 8:13 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The forum, sponsored by six of Santa Monica's seven neighborhood groups, drew a crowd of more than 400 to the Lincoln Middle School auditorium, where they heard the candidates explain their positions on key issues.

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  • 09/10/2024 10:32 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The City Council on Tuesday will once again take up an 8 1/2 year-old voting rights lawsuit after the judge in the case said he sees it lasting another "five to seven" years.

    Superior Court Judge Daniel M. Crowley also said legal fees could "at least" double, unless there is a settlement in the case charging Santa Monica's at-large election system discriminates against Latino voters.

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  • 09/10/2024 9:41 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Caltrans’ tenants, including Payan and other longtime low- and middle-income residents, are gaining the opportunity to buy their homes at reduced prices, the only way they say they could afford to become homeowners. The public agency is selling vacant properties to affordable housing providers who are repairing them for new occupants.

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  • 09/09/2024 9:25 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Only a united City Council can begin to effectively thwart the excesses of the out-of-control growth that these myopic State laws have enabled. Council action can ensure that the shape of our city’s future is not radically altered and that all new and future development respects what residents have valued as essential and non-negotiable quality-of-life issues that affect us all.

    Phil Brock, Mayor, and Council Member
    Dr. Vivian A. Roknian
    Oscar de la Torre, Council Member
    John Putnam

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